Release - Free stuff?!

Because we just released our website, we wanted to give you as customer something extra’s; automatic free mystery gifts will be added to your cart if you order above a certain value:

  • €20,00 – €34,99 1x Mystery skin of any value.
  • €35,00 – €49,99 2x Mystery skins of any value.
  • €50,00 – €79,99 3x Mystery skins of at least 975RP.
  • €80,00 and higher 5x Mystery skins of at least 975RP.
What Our Clients Say
4.85 store rating (153 reviews) | 4.90 product rating

Featured Products

Worldwide Service

We can deliver at these servers:

North America, Europe West, Europe Nordic & East, Latin America North, Latin America South and Oceania

Skin purchases

Besides event loot we also offer cheap League of Legends skins purchases that is available through the gifting center. Just write down the desired skin and select the RP product

Best Offers​

We strive for cheap League of Legends skins and other RP items, so we can give the League of Legends community what they deserve.

Secure Payments

All payments and communications are encrypted with an AES-256 bit encryption to ensure safety for both us as supplier and you as customer. We also have a cryptocurrency checkout if you prefer to stay completely anonymous

Best Offers

We strive for cheap League of Legends skins and other RP items, so we can give the League of Legends community what they deserve.

Skin purchases

Besides event loot we also offer cheap League of Legends skins purchases that is available through the gifting center. Just write down the desired skin and select the RP product

Worldwide Service

We can deliver at these servers:

North America, Europe West, Europe Nordic & East, Latin America North, Latin America South and Oceania

Secure Payments

All payments and communications are encrypted with an AES-256 bit encryption to ensure safety for both us as supplier and you as customer. We also have a cryptocurrency checkout if you prefer to stay completely anonymous
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What Our Clients Say
153 reviews